14 Books That Will Help You Always Achieve Your Goals

  • 14 Sep 2023
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14 Books to Help You Achieve Your Goals and Unlock Success

  • 14 Sep 2023
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14 Books That Will Help You Always Achieve Your Goals

Reading these books by some of the world's best business and motivational leaders can help you achieve your goals every time.



You desire to achieve success. You desire to accomplish big things. You want to make an impact.

You should read these time-tested and very impactful books to help you get there. Whether people tell you that you can't, you're trying to overcome a learning curve, or you just need a little additional inspiration, these books will help you always realize your goals and aspirations.

1. Awaken The Giant Within, by Anthony Robbins

As the title suggests, this book is all about taking charge of your life, your abilities, and your destiny. Robbins is well-known for his motivational and uplifting speeches, and he has served as a life coach to some of the world's most successful people, including Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey.

Awaken The Giant Within outlines his most successful methods for altering your life and attaining your objectives.

2. Broken Eyes, Unbroken Spirit, by David Meador

Meador, a personal favorite, describes his life of struggle and accomplishment. Meador is forced to live with life without sight after being blinded in a vehicle accident shortly after graduating from high school.

Along the way, he becomes a national blind golf champion and a top producer for his company, closing a deal per week for eleven years in a row. Meador motivates you through any slumps or problems you may encounter on your path to success.

3. EntreLeadership, by Dave Ramsey

Ramsey, known for his easy debt-reduction tactics, reveals what he's learned over two decades of developing a highly successful business.

He reveals his secrets of business development and leadership, providing a step-by-step plan for always achieving your objectives.

4. Good To Great, by Jim Collins

Not every company is born with the potential to be great. Collins explains how to take your business from okay to outstanding for those who aren't.

Collins provides you with what you need to attain your goals and take your business to the next level by combining the successful techniques of 28 great firms.

5. How To Win Friends And Influence People, by Dale Carnegie

Carnegie's guidance is very anecdotal, with a flood of genuine stories, and it serves as the underpinning for all success. If you want to be successful, you must learn how to communicate effectively and how to lead with integrity.

This fast read will teach you how to make friends and influence others, assisting you in reaching your goals and achieving success along the way.

6. Principle-Centered Leadership, by Stephen Covey

Covey discusses what ideas are at the heart of constructing a well-functioning and long-lasting organization, with many considering it the best book they've ever read.

Covey shows us how to achieve our goals in all aspects of our lives by applying the same ideas to work, home, and work life.

7. Soar With Your Strengths: A Simple Yet Revolutionary Philosophy Of Business And Management, by Donald O. Clifton & Paula Nelson

Your parents encouraged you to always look for the good in others.

Clifton and Nelson share with us in this uplifting and inspiring book how focusing on our strengths (what we currently do well) can bring us far more success than focusing on our flaws, avoiding "that most limited of specialists, the 'well-rounded man.'"

8. The Go-Getter, by Peter B. Kyne

This insightful parable tells the story of one man who refuses to accept failure from the corporation for which he strives to do great things. This fast read will inspire you to always achieve your objectives and achieve everything you desire, since you are capable of doing so.

9. The Greatest Salesman In The World, by Og Mandino

I fell in love with this book, and it's created a bond between me and my father (who gave me the original copy). Rather than presenting a set of sales techniques, Og tells a story about the character attributes that any young (or seasoned) entrepreneur, salesman, and business owner must possess in order to be successful.

And he does it in a way I've never seen before. I wholeheartedly suggest this useful book.

10. The Magic Of Thinking Big, by David Schwartz

Larger is usually preferable. Schwartz, a well-known motivational expert, offers out practical techniques for achieving your ideal work, your aspirations, financial security, and all other triumphs.

Many people say this book changed their lives. How do you get success? Dream big!

11. The Power Of Positive Thinking, by Norman Vincent Peale

Positive thinking allows you to achieve your objectives. Peale's uplifting and educational best-seller leads you through the process of developing a permanently positive mindset that will help you live a "happy, satisfying, and worthwhile life."

12. The 4-Hour Work-Week, by Timothy Ferris

Ferris redefines the concept of retirement in my personal favorite (one that I can honestly say changed the path of my life and one that I recommend to everyone).

Rather than wasting your prime years preparing for opportunities in your later years, accomplish all you want now! Ferris provides specific instructions for achieving your goals at each stage of your life, allowing you to live the life you desire to the fullest.

13. Think And Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill

Hill's book, dubbed "The Landmark Bestseller" and the "Granddaddy of All Motivational Literature," was the first to ask, "What makes a winner?"

Create a mindset for yourself in which you think like a wealthy, successful person, and you will grow to be one. Hill goes over the ideas and measures you must take to always achieve your goals.

14. 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey

This book has come highly recommended to me several times in the previous few years. Covey thoroughly discusses how highly effective people use their time and behave, maybe laying the groundwork for clickbait "X Steps to Success" articles.

He shows you how to be like the super-rich and always achieve your goals.

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