13 Fish Oil Benefits for Women and Men

  • 01 Apr 2024
  • Health

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13 Incredible Fish Oil Benefits for Women and Men

  • 01 Apr 2024
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13 Fish Oil Benefits for Women and Men

Why is omega-3 that's found in fish oils important for our body? Read on to learn more about fish oil benefits for men and women



Fish oils are rich in omega-3 and -6 fatty acids. Omega fats are necessary, which means that they cannot be manufactured by the body and must be obtained from diet. Omega-3 is generated by microalgae, not fish, but accumulates in tissue when consumed by fish and shellfish further up the food chain. Oily fish have approximately 30% fat in their tissues, which is where the omega fatty acids are found. There are numerous assertions regarding omega-3 fatty acids in fish oils. But what data supports the true benefits of fish oil for men and women? Can fish oils actually boost brain health, lower cholesterol, and aid your heart?

Learn about omega-3's significance as signaling molecules in cell membranes, arthritis, and even eye disorders. Discover the primary benefits of fish oil for men and women, as well as how to obtain an adequate supply.


What Are Omega Fatty Acids?

There are two types of necessary fats or fatty acids that our bodies cannot produce: omega-3 and omega-6. Omega-3 can be classified into three types: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Fish oils contain DHA and EPA omega fatty acids and are an excellent source of these important lipids.


13 Benefits of Fish Oil (Omega Fatty Acids)

There are various health benefits of omega fatty acids. The following are the thirteen most popular fish oil benefits for men and women.


1. Structural Role in Cells

Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids play a crucial structural role in cell membranes. Your body contains an estimated 724 trillion cells, which requires a lot of cell membranes to be healthy.


2. Energy Source

Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids, like all other fats, provide energy. This means that they can be used in conjunction with carbs to power your body, giving energy for vital functions and exercise.


3. Signaling Molecules

Omega fatty acids are utilized to create signaling molecules known as eicosanoids, which are composed of prostaglandins, thromboxanes, and leukotrienes and play critical roles in human bodies.



Prostaglandins play a variety of tasks, including pain sensation, inflammation, pregnancy and birth management, blood pressure control, stomach acid secretion, and smooth muscle contraction and relaxation.



Thromboxanes regulate blood clotting by constricting blood arteries and forcing platelets to aggregate (stick together), both of which are early steps in blood clotting.



Leukotrienes contribute to immune function by drawing immune cells, such as neutrophils, to areas of inflammation. They also constrict the bronchioles in the lungs and make the capillary walls porous.


4. Prevent Heart Diseases

Cardiovascular events are blood vessel-related disorders that include clots, rhythm difficulties, and heart attacks. Studies have discovered that ALA may lessen the risk of cardiovascular events.


5. Decrease Cholesterol and Triglycerides

Triglycerides are components of your cholesterol profile. Higher levels are linked to an increased risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. Studies have demonstrated an inverse connection between omega-3 and triglyceride levels. This suggests that increasing omega-3 intake resulted in a decrease in triglycerides, with higher doses having a stronger effect. This effect was higher in persons who previously had high triglycerides.

Lowering your cholesterol is one strategy to reduce your chance of developing cardiovascular disease. One study discovered that EPA and DHA reduced triglycerides by around 15% while also lowering the incidence of coronary artery mortality and coronary events, which are disorders of the arteries that supply the heart.


6. Improve Brain Health

A pooled meta-analysis found no association between omega-3 and dementia, but additional research is needed to determine whether omega-3 can help prevent cognitive decline. Find out more about this here. How Fish Oil Increases Your Mental Clarity and Brain Power


7. Help With Rheumatoid Arthritis

Omega-3 supplements have been shown to improve clinical results in rheumatoid arthritis and may even reduce the requirement for medication.


8. Decrease Progression of Osteoarthritis

A major prospective study in patients with wear and tear (osteoarthritis OA) discovered that a larger diet of total and saturated fat was related with an increased risk of worsening OA, but a higher intake of unsaturated fats was associated with lower OA advancement as determined by X-rays.

The current consensus is that the metabolic products of omega-3 fatty acids are less inflammatory than those produced by omega-6 fatty acids. Western diets are linked to an imbalance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, with omega-3 levels typically greater than omega-6.


9. Prevent Autoimmune Diseases

There is also some indication that omega-3 supplementation may help persons with other kinds of autoimmune arthritis, such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), although further research is needed.


10. Good For Eye Health

The macula is a portion of the retina in the rear of the eye, and despite its small size (approximately 5mm across), it plays a crucial role in vision. It is responsible for our center vision, the majority of our color vision, and the fine detail in what we perceive. Consuming adequate omega-3 has been associated to a lower risk of macular degeneration, one of the world's leading causes of permanent eye damage and blindness.


11. Boost Your Mood

Omega-3 fatty acids may help prevent and treat depression, according to some research. However, meta-analyses of the data have not revealed any significant benefits. More research into the effects of omega-3 supplementation in people with depression is needed.


12. Lower Blood Pressure

The evidence for the efficacy of omega-3 fatty acids on high blood pressure (hypertension) is conflicting, with large-scale studies revealing either no effect or a slight reduction in risk of hypertension. However, omega-3 fats provide additional health benefits. They are unlikely to cause harm and can be easily included into your diet by eating fatty fish twice a week, as well as seeds like chia seeds, flaxseeds, and nuts.


13. Help With Fertility

Omega-3 appears to play a role in the development of healthy gametes (eggs and sperm), with consumption connected with an enhanced likelihood of conception and live birth rate.


Where Are Omega Fatty Acids Found?

How can you obtain adequate omega-3 if you are allergic to or do not consume fish? Other sources of ALA include flaxseed, soybean, and canola oils. DHA and EPA are present in fatty fish, fish oils, and krill oils. DHA and EPA are produced by microalgae, not fish, yet they accumulate in tissue when consumed by fish and shellfish further up the food chain.


Final Thoughts

While there is evidence of advantages for eye health, arthritis, cholesterol, and heart health, the evidence for fish oil's benefits in lowering high blood pressure, maintaining brain function, and avoiding dementia is less compelling.

Studies have discovered a "whole food effect" in which eating fatty fish appears to be more helpful than supplementing with fish or cod liver oil. There are additional plant-based sources of omega-3. Although some studies indicate that the more omega-3 the better, there is a limit to the recommended dose of supplements unless authorized by your doctor. 

Because of warfarin's anti-platelet role in clotting, omega-3 supplements may conflict with its use, therefore consult your doctor before starting a supplement.



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